Wednesday, June 29, 2011

salon des refusés

My painting, Shelly, from my last blog posting, will be a part of the Salon des Refusés 2011 show at Gallery M Squared on W. 19th Street in the Heights. The show opening will be Friday, July 1st from 6:30-9pm and the show will run until Saturday, July 9th. Here is the link to the gallery's website with more details about the show:

In order to qualify for this show, my artwork had to be rejected from Lawndale Art Center's The Big Show. Salon des Refusés 2011 is patterned off an exhibition in Paris in 1863 where famous artists (among them Cézanne, Manet, Pissarro and Whistler) who were rejected from a similarly well known type of show, were offered a place to exhibit their work by Napoleon III who insisted that it should be the public who was the judge of the art. It is in that spirit that I invite you all to be my judges...